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About Damhamer

I have been a musician since I was 13 or 14. I have always been into music—all kinds and genres of music. My dad played guitar and mandolin so that’s where I picked it up—and the rest is history, as they say. I played in all kind of bands: gospel, country, rock, Christian rock, praise and worship and metal. I have written a lot of songs in those genres but never seemed to find the right path, so I quit playing for about a year.

Then a young guy where I worked knew that I played and asked me from time to time how it was going, so I explained. His response was "Too bad, but why don’t you give this a try?" He told me to check out Skrillex and Zomboy—they were electronic artists. Man, I was blown away. He knew my passion was recording so creating music on a computer was right up my alley.

I have only been doing this a short time but my passion will keep me creating and my drive will make me better. I guess you also could say this is a lifestyle. I will be recording and playing guitar till the end and hopefully beyond. I am following my dream and my joy and that is what is important in life: be happy and rock till you drop.

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